Standard file layout

Berlioz uses a standard layout for the files and directories in a Berlioz app, using the convention over configuration philosophy.

Not all files are required.

Following the standard directory layout will make it easier for other developers to understand and minimize the need for configuration.

/styles                   All styles used in the application
   /images                Images used for styling only
   /lib                   External style libraries (Foundation, Bootstrap,...)
   /[group]               Styles specific to services in a group
      /[service].css      Styles specific a particular service
   /[group].css           Styles common to all services in a group
   /global.css            Styles common to all services

/scripts                  All scripts used in the application
   /lib                   External script libraries (Foundation, jQuery, etc...)
   /[group]               Scripts specific to services in a group
      /[service].js       Script specific to particular service
   /[group].js            Script common to all services in a group
   /global.js             Script common to all services


   /config                All berlioz configuration
      config-[mode].xml   Berlioz configuration for a specific mode
      logback-[mode].xml  Logback configuration for a specific mode
      services.xml        Services definition

   /xslt                  All XSLT modules
     /html                XSLT modules outputting HTML
        /common           XSLT modules common to most groups of services
        /lib              External XSLT modules
        /[group]          XSLT modules common to a group of services
           /[service].xsl XSLT module specific to a service
        [group].xsl       XSLT module for a group of services
     /xml                 XSLT modules outputting XML
     /json                XSLT modules outputting JSON

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