Berlioz logs

Berlioz logs record events reported by the application and are accessible on the Berlioz administrator interface.

There are two types of logs in Berlioz:

  • Application logs which records events reported by the application
  • Server access logs which often use the NCSA common log  format generated by the Servlet container (Jetty or Tomcat)

Application logs

Berlioz intercepts all application log messages regardless of their final destination (file, db, email, socket...) in order to provide some insights into how the system is performing - but they carry few semantics. 

These are the attributes that are accessible programmatically when intercepting log events:

  •  date and time of the log event
  •  level: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
  •  message determined by the system
  •  Exception or error causing a log event (optional)
  •  Marker that is a Java object to enrich log statements (optional)

Berlioz admin displays the last 1000 intercepted log events.

Viewing log files

Berlioz admin can read the Logback configuration and determine where the application log files are located.

If logs are stored in files, Berlioz admin provides a link to these files and will display the content of these files with some limitation in size and formatting. If the logs need to be analysed further, it is often more appropriate use a separate log analyser rather than relying on Berlioz admin.

Access logs

Server access logs are generated by the servlet container, usually Jetty or Tomcat and should be configured at that level. Berlioz does not have programmatic access to the access logs.

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